About company

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The Mix Light company for many years holds a leading position in the field of lighting equipment and intelligent control systems "Smart house" and integration with BMS (Building management system) in the market of Kazakhstan.

Mix Light employees are part of the European Lighting Designers Association (PLDA) and KNX integrators.

Mix Light specializes in modern and individual lighting solutions. Knowledge of the specifics of the lighting market allows us to carry out a qualified approach to the tasks set and to offer you the services of lighting and electrification professionals of the following types: retail space, restaurants and hotel complexes, administrative and office premises, galleries and jewelry salons, and industrial buildings.

We offer innovative solutions of intelligent control BMS (Building management system) which can control the vital functions of the administrative building or "Smart home" (adjustment of heating, air conditioning and energy recovery, control of lighting, appliances, shutters and blinds, to comprehensive security).

In addition, our company supplies the most modern equipment. The company's product profile includes products of European companies. All the goods offered by our company have established themselves as reliable and high-quality lighting equipment used in many civil and industrial facilities.

Through years of experience, we offer the most innovative and advanced solutions terms of performance and design.

We provide a full range of services from power audit, design, equipment supply and installation, to warranty and post-warranty service. Our company perfectly executes work, and accumulated experience allows us to realize sometimes the most daring ideas of the customer.


Working with our company, you receive the following advantages:

Energy saving and environmental protection. Delivery of equipment exactly in the agreed time. Installation works and author's supervision. After sales service and advice from our experts.


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