Magical effects on human perception of the combination of light and color have long been known. With help of correctly used color lighting you can visually increase the space or make it more attractive, highlight some more "profitable" or, conversely, "drown" unwanted details.
Modern light devices, using appropriate color filters and reflector systems from various materials are able to create illumination of the necessary color range.
Competent lighting design for interiors should be developed jointly with a general design project, it is necessary to consider the various parameters of the room, such as: area, ceiling height, number of windows and their location, color used in the design of premises materials location and type of furniture, and much more. Calculation and selection of fixtures and lighting equipment is carried out in strict accordance with a design project.
In accordance with the tasks that are put before the design of lighting, there are four main types of lighting:
- general background lighting is created by a single lamp (usually hanging lamp, chandelier) or system of lighting devices. General lighting combines territory and are able to visually increase its area;
- local and directional light are used for lighting of individual zones in the room (For example, a workplace, a kitchen table, place for reading) or for lighting or highlighting some of the interior details. For local lighting can be used a variety of lighting devices: halogen or fluorescent ceiling lamps, spotlights, floodlights, sconces, overhead lights, floor lamps, desk lamps;
- decorative lighting. If the first listed types of lighting perform practically a purely functional role, then the decorative light is designed to decorate the interior and makes it aesthetics and individuality. Any kinds of lamp can be used for decorative lighting: as bearing decorative load already in its form, style and design, and lamps or a group of lamps performing a decorative function in the interior.
Of course, these types of lighting usually used in combination. It is their competent complex use makes lighting design more harmonious and complete, adding to the interior the style and charm, making it elegant and memorable.